Tuesday, February 15, 2011

My Life.....

Wow, today I saw that advocacy for my kids is what I have learned! More so than I ever thought.

As I have grown as a parent with kids on the autism spectrum, I've keep learning new things all the time. Support comes in so many different ways. From places you wouldn't think it would.

Walking through the store or sitting with a group of people in a meeting. Its really interesting how parents get more attention and professionals listen when you describe a need or a different way of looking at a situation.

People should listen to each other more often.

Go out and listen and then advocate for your needs then your child's!

Saturday, February 5, 2011


Oh, so tired.  Why do my boys get up early on the weekends and sleep in during the week.
They are eating me out of house and home.  I swear I live at the grocery store these days.
Cooked many meals this week, hubby home for a bit and now I just want a cooking break.

Oh, well Bunco tonight to help raise awareness about Autism and also funds for my walk in April.

Have a great weekend!  It's 73 degrees right now.