Thursday, May 5, 2011

Flat Tire..........

Guess I was all outta air today!!!
Flat tire made me think of how time does not fly when sitting in the midst of merge from one freeway to another!
It's like life doesn't stop even know your stopped! I know it was just my car, but it made me think how a diagnosis of Autism stops so many folks, but when others know nothing about what a parent goes through it's hard to get it. Even if you are a good freind. Video's on the internent now are easy to pull up and show your friends what it's like.
Those are true moments of changing an attitude in people who thought they knew your real life.
As I pondered my life with Autism, in the review mirror I saw a lights, wow the tow truck is hear! Well, think about this if you see a child having a behavioral issue at the store ask if you can help and not say geez control your kid. You must be a bad this has happened to me and a guy did ask to help....what did i do made him go away. Interesting enough he walked back into our house a few years later as a fix it man. Fix it...he wanted to help me with my kid and I said was like he was a guardian angle...just like the tow truck driver today!
Yes, I just said that...he knew I was freaked by just where I was sitting between 2 fast freeways and was like get me the heck out of here...feels like the diagnosis of autism as well.
Nope not kiddin here.....I didn't ask for it, but now I'm living with it and doing pretty good, advocating for what i believe the best for my boys.
Time will tell how there life will be, but I hope that more folks get what Autism is and help these kids figure out there lives and help the families with little kids through a tough time in public if they need it.

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